Oculus Connect 6 Day 2主题演讲视频汇总(部分字幕)
Oculus Connect 6
(映维网 2019年10月01日)今天Oculus刚放出了Day 2的主题演讲视频,所以单独开一篇文章。一共四个视频,都封装了YouTube的机器生成字幕。这四个视频也添加到了昨天的文章《Oculus Connect 6 主题演讲视频汇总》中了。
延伸阅读:OC6汇总:Quest手部追踪、串流Rift、Half Dome 3……
1. Day 2 Keynote(没字幕)
2. Hand Tracking Deep Dive - Technology, Design, and Experiences(机器生成字幕)
3. Hand Tracking_ Designing a New Input Modality(机器生成字幕)
4. Transforming Conservation with National Geographic and Woodland Park Zoo(机器生成字幕)
5. The 3Ds of Immersive Media- Discover, Design and Distribute(机器生成字幕)
6. Virtual Community - Why Community Is Essential to the Success of VR (机器生成字幕)
7. Career-Connected Curriculum for Tomorrow's AR/VR Developers(机器生成字幕)