Oculus公布Mobile VR Jam的入围名单
上个月Oculus VR以Mobile VR Jam的形式举办了一个全新的虚拟现实开发比赛。该大赛交给各个工作室的任务是为用于Gear VR智能手机的头戴显示器创造新的应用和游戏。成果的最后提交在上周进行,评委团从那个时候开始就在审视这些作品,现在Oculus VR已经宣布了一个很长的入围名单,缩小了有希望获得102万美元的总奖金中的一部分的开发商的范围。
一共61个产品成功进入Mobile VR Jam的第二轮评比。其中有37个属于游戏类,该类别的总奖金是20万美元,而其他24个属于应用或是体验类别,该类别的第一名将会得到10万美元的奖金。入围者包括Jake Slack’的Private Eye Case Files: The Wooden Lady、DRIFT 以及Colosse: A Story in Virtual Reality。完整的名单可以在下文中看到。
Along the Trail, Andromedum, Apnea, Atlantis, Atop The Wizard’s Tower, Audio Arena, Awakening (working title), Bazaar, Blind Swordsman, Captain Clark Adventures, Chibi Attack!, Circumpaint, Cityscape Repairman, Colosse: A Story in Virtual Reality, Comawake, Crashland Reborn, Crime Watch, Crossover: Multi-threaded immersive theater experience, Damnfields, Daydream Blue, Depthorama, DMZ: Memories of no man’s land, Double Destruction, DRIFT, Dsync, House of Languages, Labster – Revolutionizing Life-Science Learning with VR, Lily Pad, Maiden Chaos VR, NeoS: The Universe, Neuralgia VR, Panopticon, PhaseShift, Polo, PolyDome, Private Eye – Case Files: The Wooden Lady, Pulsar Arena, Red Riding Hunt, Ruins Of Chronos, Science360, Scorched Battalion, SMS Racing, SoundScape, Soundscape VR, Speech Center, Starport, StarTracker VR, SteamCrew VR, SURGEVRY, Tactera, Tana Pura, TECHNOLUST: THOUGHT CRIMES, Telescopic, The Bouncinators, The Curator’s Mini-Museum of Natural History, The Night Cafe – An immersive tribute to Vincent van Gogh, TightropeVR, VIRTUAL HANDS: VirtPaint, Voxel Cars Vr, VR Vox and Wendy.
VIA vrfocus