雨果·巴拉:行业北极星Vision Pro过度设计不适合产品市场

促销也要对着干 Oculus/Vive完整促销名单

YiViAn 2016年6月25日)昨天,虚拟现实行业的两个死对头Oculus和Valve分别在各自的虚拟现实内容平台上推出了夏季促销活动。虽然YiViAn在昨天有做简单报道,但是这个促销活动似乎越演越烈。

对Valve而言,属于Steam传奇的季节性促销。但对Oculus而言,则是首次加入夏季促销活动,企图有吸引力的折扣来与竞争对手Steam VR进行正面交锋。

Steam的促销将会持续到7月4日,而Oculus的促销将会持续到7月5日(包括那些为 Gear VR 进行的促销)。YiViAn为你编辑了纳入促销的虚拟现实游戏的比较完整列表,如下:

1. Gear VR平台

游戏(Gear VR) 优惠价
Tactera $7.99
Darknet $6.99
Dead Secret $6.69
Drift $6.69
End Space $5.99
Anshar Wars 2 $4.99
Herobound: Spirit Champion $4.99
Hitman GO: VR Edition $4.99
Into the Dead $4.49
Dreadhalls $3.49
Archer E. Bowman $2.99
Land’s End $1.99
Twisted Realms $1.99
Bandit Six $0.99

2. Oculus Rift平台

游戏(Oculus Rift) 优惠价
Chronos $39.99
Elite Dangerous $39.99
Project Cars $39.99
AirMech: Command $29.99
Kittypocalypse $22.49
Defense Grid 2: Enhanced VR Edition $19.99
Radial-G: Racing Revolved $19.99
Time Machine VR $19.99
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter $19.99
Final Approach: Pilot Edition $18.74
Windlands $15.99
Technolust $14.99
ADR1FT $13.99
Fated: The Silent Oath $13.99
Smashing the Battle $13.99
iOmoon $13.49
Please, Don’t Touch Anything $11.99
Subnautica $11.99
Black Hat Cooperative $9.99
VR Karts $9.99
Dead Secret $9.89
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes $9.89
Apollo 11 VR $9.74
Rooms: The Unsolvable Puzzle $9.74
Albino Lullaby $8.49
Omega Agent $7.49
Darknet $6.99
Dreadhalls $6.99
Esper 2 $6.99
Titans of Space 2.0 $6.79
Hitman GO: VR Edition $5.99
BlazeRush $4.99
Crystal Rift $4.99
Kismet $4.99
Vektron Revenge $4.99
Into the Dead $4.49
Audio Arena $3.99
Bazaar $3.49
The Grand Canyon VR Experience $2.49

3. HTC Vive 平台

游戏(HTC Vive) 优惠价
Hover Junkers $24.49
The Gallery – Episode 1: Call of the Starseed $23.99
Universe Sandbox 2 $19.99
A Chair in a Room : Greenwater $19.99
Final Approach $17.49
Pool Nation VR $16.99
Kodon $16.99
The Solus Project $15.99
Vanishing Realms $15.99
SculptrVR $15.99
Audioshield $14.99
Modbox $14.99
Quar: Battle for Gate 18 $14.99
V ARRR $14.99
Armed Against the Undead $14.99
A Legend of Luca $14.99
The Brookhaven Experiment $14.99
Battle Dome $13.49
Cosmic Trip $13.49
Left-Hand Path $13.49
Zombie Training Simulator $13.39
Space Pirate Trainer $12.74
Carpe Lucem – Seize The Light VR $12.74
Periodonica $12.49
HordeZ $11.99
Astroderps $11.99
Chamber 19 $11.99
World of Diving $11.99
Orc Assault $11.99
ZenBlade $10.49
Tabletop Simulator $9.99
Cloudlands : VR Minigolf $9.99
Chunks $9.99
Minigolf VR $9.99
SelfieTennis $9.99
Cyberpong VR $9.89
Dolphin Defense $9.89
Paintey $9.74
Pierhead Arcade $8.99
Hoops VR $8.49
Water Bears VR $7.99
Babel: Tower to the Gods $7.49
Proton Pulse $7.49
vrAMP $7.14
VR Baseball $6.73
HoloBall $6.49
5089: The Action RPG $6.39
Felt Tip Circus $6.39
Hyper Bowling VR $5.84
Light Repair Team #4 $5.35
Catlateral Damage $4.99
Jeeboman $4.99
Nighttime Terror VR: Dessert Defender $4.99
Crystal Rift $4.99
Garage Drummer VR $4.79
VROOM: Aerie $4.49
Pong Waves VR $4.24
Octoshield VR $4.24
Minigame Party VR $4.24
Euclidean $3.99
Spells ‘n’ Stuff $3.99
PlanetFate $3.95
Diorama No.3 : The Marchland $3.49
L U N E $2.69
A-10 VR $2.49
The Grand Canyon VR Experience $2.49
Lost Route $2.49
Holodaze $1.49
Heaven Island Life $0.49


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